
by Benedek Fliegauf



When Rebecca returns to her grandfather’s house, she meets her childhood sweetheart Thomas again. Thomas leaves his girlfriend Rose and their love picks up where it left off, until Thomas dies in a car accident. Devastated, the young woman contemplates suicide until she finds consolation in the idea of cloning. Although society does not fully accept it yet, she plans to give birth to Thomas, bringing her lost love to life (again). Living in Rebecca’s grandfather’s remote old house, Thomas grows up believing his father died in an accident. Rebecca never mentions cloning. In spite of their secret, Rebecca and Thomas lead an almost normal life until Rose finds out about them …


Judged as one of the most important filmmakers of the Hungarian avant-garde, Benedek Fliegauf’s films have been invited and awarded at festivals worldwide. Recently he won the Golden Leopard in Locarno for »Milky Way« (Tejút, 2007) and the Feature Film Prize at Barcelona l’Alternativa (in competition). »Dealer« (2004), that won the Audience Award at the Forum at Berlinale, was invited to 20 festivals and critically acclaimed for its atmospherically dense, intense and minimalistic narrative and visual style. Benedek Fliegauf did not attend any film school or academy. Born in 1974 in Budapest, he grew up in a "normal dysfunctional middle class family." He had wanted to become a writer but eventually realized that he was simply too restless to sit down and write, not to mention that in the early 90’s people didn’t read very much as everybody was predicting the end of the Gutenberg galaxy. So he started working as a TV assistant director to make a living and successfully continued on the path with directing, screenplay writing and sound engineering.


Eva Green - Rebecca
Matt Smith - Thomas


Director: Benedek Fliegauf
Producer: Gerhard Meixner, Roman Paul, Andras Muhi
Co-producer: Cedomir Colar
Written by: Benedek Fliegauf
Cinematographer: Peter Szatmári
Editor: Patricia Rommel, Xavier Box

Technical Data

Format: 35mm / 24fps / 1:2,35 / Colour / Dolby Digital
Length: 107 min
Original language: English

Original title: Womb


Click here for the »Womb« artwork


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